Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Simon & Schuster Mob Rule Ten Quirky Tenants To Run Your Businesses Multiple Resources

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New Simon & Schuster Mob Rule Ten Quirky Tenants To Run Your Businesses Multiple Resources Overview

Ten quirky Tenants to run your businesses; Multiple resources - from Cement Works, Brick Factories and Steel Foundries to Gadget Factories - to manage and use in the construction of your evil empire. The game sends you to different cities (Hick Town, Cripple's Bend, Rangoon Rumpus, Dead Dog Ditch and Capitol City) where you must complete a series of missions set by the Godfather. While carrying out the wishes and desires of the Godfather, you will also have to cope with rival 'Families' also trying to establish themselves in the same city. Make sure you pay attention to what the Godfather wants you to do; he has a mean temper and does not suffer fools lightly. Only when you have done the bidding of The Boss do you get to move on in the game. The first ten missions of the game have been specially structured to make your initial playing experience easy through the use of hint-text boxes. You are in a small town, off the beaten track, called Hick Town. This town has been targeted by organized crime to be a training ground for punks new to the business, and, as such, you will be expected to learn all the tricks of the trade. When you arrive at Hick Town you have a small stash of money in the local bank and a tiny plot of land, where your Headquarters Building is located, just about enough for one or two small buildings. The era of prohibition in America saw organized crime rise to new heights and the establishment of criminal families that frequently fought with each other in bloody mob wars. There was a lot at stake in this a dog-eat-dog world of crime. Fortunes could be made if you controlled all the; gambling, booze distribution, prostitution and protection rackets in your neighborhood. But you were never safe for long, there were always new guys coming along to muscle in on your turf. Guys that would just as soon drown you in a cement mixer as give you the time of day.
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