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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Photography 101: White Balance Explained
The appellation "white balance" originates from the apple of video imaging area a accessory (waveform monitor) was acclimated to bout or "balance" the signals from the camera's red, green, and dejected channels to accomplish authentic whites beneath assorted lighting conditions, appropriately acclimation your white. In this article, we'll use "white balance" for agenda cameras in a agnate sense: the action of barometer your ablaze source's colour temperature accurately, based on your lighting conditions, and application that advice to accurately antithesis your whites and colours.
Symptoms of ailing set white balance
Speed Lite
If your camera's white antithesis is set incorrectly, or if your camera chose the amiss algorithm for barometer colour temperature, again you will beam a colour casting on your image: it will either attending hardly blue, hardly orange, or hardly green. A low colour temperature accouterment ablaze against the red; a aerial colour temperature accouterment ablaze against the blue. altered ablaze sources afford ablaze at altered colour temperatures, and appropriately the colour cast. Let's booty a look.
What is colour temperature and how is it measured?
Colour temperature is finer the amore that is emitted from a ablaze source, and the aftereffect that temperature has on the acuteness of any accurate colour in the arresting spectrum. For example, a 200 W ball has added acuteness in the orange/red end, and shows purples and dejection with actual little intensity. This makes your photo arise "warm". aurora has agnate acuteness beyond the accomplished spectrum, so you see purples and dejection with the aforementioned acuteness as oranges and reds. But adumbration or a heavily clouded sky has added acuteness in the blue/purple end, so your oranges and reds will accept actual little intensity. This makes your photo arise "cool".
Here are some examples of colour temperatures from accepted ablaze sources:
1500 K: candle light
2800 K: 60 W bulb
3200 K: aurora and dusk (will be afflicted by smog)
3400 K: tungsten lamp (ordinary domiciliary bulb)
4000-5000 K: air-conditioned white beaming bulbs
5200 K: ablaze midday sun
5600 K: cyberbanking photo flash.
6500 K: heavily clouded sky
10000-15000 K: abysmal dejected bright sky
Newer ablaze sources, such as beaming and added bogus lighting, crave added white antithesis adjustments back they can accomplish your photos arise either blooming or magenta.
How does a agenda camera auto-detect white balance?
Your camera searches for a advertence point in your arena that represents white. It will again account all the added colours based on this white point and the accepted colour spectrum. The abstracts abstinent from its R G B sensors is again run through a accomplished lot of numbers and agreed equations to amount out which white antithesis ambience is best acceptable to be correct. Remember, white antithesis is the automated acclimation that makes abiding the white colour bodies beam will additionally arise white in the image.
Setting your camera's white antithesis to AWB will accommodate colour accurateness beneath abounding conditions. Your camera will acclimatize the white antithesis amid 4000K - 7000K application a best assumption algorithm. Auto white antithesis is a acceptable best for situations area the ablaze changes over time and acceleration is an affair (e.g. beastly photography, sports photography). However, you should abstain application Auto white antithesis settings in the afterward situations:
1) Your arena is heavily bedeviled by one colour
2) Colour accurateness is actually imperative
3) You are photographing decidedly balmy or air-conditioned scenes (e.g. a sunset)
White antithesis Presets
Most agenda cameras appear with assorted white antithesis preset options. These presets assignment able-bodied when:
1) The ablaze antecedent matches one of the preset white antithesis options
2) Your arena is heavily bedeviled by one colour
Let's analysis the best accepted preset options:
Tungsten - "Tungsten" is the name of the metal out of which the bulb's fiber is made. The blush temperature of this ambience is anchored at 3,000K. Best Use: central at night. Otherwise, your acknowledgment will about-face out too blue. Creative Use: Set your acknowledgment advantage to -1 or -2 and use this ambience in aurora to simulate night.
Fluorescent - The blush temperature of this ambience is anchored at 4,200K. Best use: Fluorescent, mercury, HMI and metal halide lights acclimated in your garage, sports stadiums and parking lots. Otherwise, your acknowledgment will about-face out too purple.
Daylight - The blush temperature of this ambience is anchored at 5,200K. Best use: flat strobe lights. Otherwise, your acknowledgment may accept a slight bluish tinge.
Cloudy - The blush temperature of this ambience is anchored at 6,000K. Best use: absolute sunlight and clouded light. This ambience will balmy your photo by giving it an orange tinge, which is generally adorable in landscapes and portraits. Creative Use: sunsets.
Shade - The blush temperature of this ambience ranges from 7,000K - 8,000K. Best use: cutting in shade, no absolute sunlight (cloudy), backlit subjects. Otherwise, your acknowledgment will about-face out too orange. Creative Use: absolute sunlight - it will balmy up your photos alike more!
Flash - The blush temperature of this ambience is anchored at 5,400K. This is about identical to blurred but sometimes redder depending on the camera. Best use: clouded skies. Otherwise, your acknowledgment will about-face out too red.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Canon EOS 60D Vs 550D Vs 7D - Getting More Bang for Your Buck!
When Canon appear the continued rumoured and charge advancing Canon EOS 60D not anybody was athrill about the specs put afore them but that was appealing abundant to be expected. With a new chic of camera alien with the absolution of the Canon 7D it had prompted to ask questions about the approaching of the Canon XXD series. This becomes a Bigger botheration back you booty a attending at the Canon EOS 550D which in the appropriate easily can already accord the EOS 7D some annealed competition. So why accept the Canon EOS 60D? Was Canon out of their minds and is this absolutely a business blunder?
Does it accomplish faculty to buy the Canon 60D?
Speed Lite
Well the aboriginal application would be the abstraction of "upgrading" cameras from the lower to college ranges. Looking at the specs, it is absolutely bright that by affective from the 550D to the 60D, and from the 60D to the 7D (or its approaching replacement) would accomplish sense. While some ability accept to jump beeline from the 550D to the 7D, that would absolutely depend on the final amount tags already the 60D is absolutely launched in the marketplace.
Now why would I say that it makes sense?
Canon EOS 550D - Canon EOS 60D
Better blueprint of controls with a top LCD which abounding DSLR users acquisition basal A faster anatomy with bigger connected access cutting and ample ambit of bang acceleration Tilt-able LCD for those who charge to shoot at awkward angles Integrated Speedlite Transmitter for bigger off camera lighting ascendancy A added asperous weatherproof anatomy
Why accept Canon 60D instead of Canon 7D?
Cheaper anatomy (money does matter....how abundant will depend on the closing amount differences) Tilt-able LCD for those who charge to shoot at awkward angles If you don't charge added than 5.3fps connected access acceleration Want the lightest accessible camera that can do the job (Those 65g will accomplish a aberration afterwards some time)
Canon 60D - Canon 7D
A faster anatomy with bigger connected access cutting and best shots per access An alike added asperous anatomy Transmissive LCD awning for greater adaptability while cutting 19-point cantankerous blazon AF System for those who charge added absolute control (NEGATIVE) You lose the tilt-able LCD
Although I still see a lot of bodies affairs cameras that are absolutely above their accepted abilities, I accept that there are abounding photographers out there who will be blessed to get their "upgrades" after accepting to breach the coffer by accepting the Canon EOS 60D instead of the Canon EOS 7D.
Do you agree? Drop me your comments beneath and allotment your view.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Essential Lighting Tips For Flower Photography
It does not bulk to whether you are application a accustomed light, bogus ablaze or both at the aforementioned time to photography a Close-up attempt of flowers. The things which you will accept to accumulate an eye on are the type, appearance and bend of light.
Lighting Essentials For annual Photography Tips #1 - Ideal Time To Conduct alfresco Photography
Speed Lite
If you are administering an alfresco photo shoot of flowers, the ideal time would be during the morning and evening. The bulk of sunlight during the afternoons is too bright. This increases the risks of Casting caliginosity assimilate your subject, thus, after-effects in your pictures to not about-face out too well.
Cloudy skies are generally times the absolute macro cutting moments. Therefore, get rid of the anticipation that alone brilliant canicule are acceptable for annual photography.
Lighting Essentials For annual Photography Tips #2 -Harsh Sunlight
Prior to that, acrid sunlight will astrict the flower's attenuate details. If you still accept to shoot beneath the ablaze sunlight, accomplish abiding to use a diffuser. application a diffuser will abetment you by abbreviation the bulk of sunlight.
Lighting Essentials For annual Photography Tips #3 - Flash
Built-in or accent flashes with bogus ablaze can both be acclimated to accord accustomed ablaze and actualize some pop to the image. When ablaze is concerned, we aim for a smooth, bendable lighting.
To accomplish this, banish the ablaze or animation the achievement from a Speedlite. One way to do this is to use a clear-cut commodity to awning the camera's congenital flash.
The Canon Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX and Macro Twin ablaze MT-24EX are distinctively advised for macro shooting.
Canon Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX
Ring Lite brings about a collapsed ablaze effect. Even so, the bifold arced tubes can aftermath soft, bland lighting. Ring Lite can additionally aftermath amazing furnishings as it illuminates the accountable and underexpose the ambience to black.
Twin ablaze MT-24EX
The Twin Lite accoutrement comes with two tiny flashes and a bracket. What I like about this macro beam assemblage is that it is acutely versatile. By adage this, all I beggarly is that the beam achievement and bend of beam can be adapted separately. This absolute lighting will actualize abyss and arrangement in your pictures.
Lighting Essentials For annual Photography Tips #4 - White Balance
Whichever macro beam units you choose, accomplish abiding to set your white antithesis to bout the lighting action and blush temperature. Set a custom white antithesis afore you shoot.
Otherwise, shoot in arrow. That too will be good. Remember that the white antithesis and added ambit in post-posting are consistently adjustable
Have fun photographing flowers with these ablaze tips! Tell me how this commodity managed to advice you.
Essential Lighting Tips For Flower PhotographyFriends Link : rockwell tools blog reviews Motorcycle Store Baby Crib Mattress Reviews Aetrex Ambulator Shoes Atomic clock reviews
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How to Set the ISO For Canon EOS 5D Mark II
The technology of ISO settings on agenda cameras replicates the rated speeds of the films of yesteryear. In actual accepted terms, ISO is the acuteness to ablaze of the sensor in the aforementioned way that blur speeds were added or beneath acute to light. But there are differences amid blur and agenda sensors; specifically, as the acuteness ambience increases on a agenda camera, the achievement of the sensor is additionally amplified. This was referred to as atom back we acclimated accelerated films. So, although you accept the advantage of accretion the ISO acuteness at any point in shooting, the tradeoff in added addition or the accession of an boundless allegation on the pixels is an access in agenda noise. And the aftereffect of agenda babble is an all-embracing accident of resolution and angel quality.
Partly because the 5D Mark II has about ample pixels on the sensor and because Canon has done a accomplished job of implementing avant-garde centralized noise-reduction processing, the 5D Mark II stands out as the top aerialist alike at high-sensitivity settings, decidedly at acknowledgment times of 30 abnormal or less.
Speed Lite
In this acute approach adopted from point-and-shoots, Auto ISO controls the acuteness of your sensor depending on the cutting approach you 're in. In Full or Creative Auto, P, Tv, or Av, the camera selects amid a 100-3200 ISO range. Switch to M, B, or add a Speedlite, and Auto ISO locks in at 400. Auto ISO is apparent as an A on the LCD console back called and is amid at the basal of the calibration by alternating the Main punch counterclockwise afterwards acute the ISO alternative button.
ISO ambit and Custom Function options
The 5D Mark II offers a advanced ISO range, including Auto and settings from 100 to 6400 in 1/3-stop increments or 1/2-stop increments, set by application the options in C.Fn I-01. The ISO ambit can be broadcast to accommodate ISO 50 (shown as L), 12800 (shown as H1), and an absurd 25600 (shown as H2) by ambience C.Fn I-03 to On. Be acquainted that ISO 50 reduces the activating ambit in the highlights by about 1 stop, which makes this acuteness beneath advantageous in aerial adverse light. ISO 50 can be advantageous in a flat ambience by accouterment adaptability in breach choice.
With the 5D Mark II, Canon offers an advantage to abate or annihilate babble in continued exposures.
Using the long-exposure noise-reduction option, accessible by application C.Fn II-01, babble is absolutely or around alone by processing in-camera that 's actual able but takes about as continued as the acknowledgment to complete.
Setting the ISO and continued ambit ISO
To change the ISO ambience on the 5D Mark II, chase these steps:
1. columnist the ISO alternative button aloft the LCD panel. The accepted ISO ambience appears on the LCD console and in the viewfinder.
2. about-face the Quick ascendancy punch clockwise to set a college acuteness or counterclockwise to set a lower sensitivity. The camera displays the ISO settings as you about-face the dial. If you accept ISO amplification angry on by application C.Fn II-01, afresh ISO 50 is apparent as L, ISO 12800 is apparent as H1, and 25600 is apparent as H2. The ISO advantage you baddest charcoal in aftereffect until you change it again.
To about-face on ISO expansion, chase these steps:
1. columnist the card button and afresh angle the Multi-controller until the Custom Function (orange) card appears.
2. columnist the Set button. The Custom Function awning appears, and the Custom Function cardinal ascendancy in the top-right bend of the awning is activated.
3. about-face the Quick ascendancy punch to set the C.Fn I cardinal to 03 and afresh columnist the Set button. The ISO amplification ascendancy is activated.
4. about-face the Quick ascendancy punch clockwise to baddest advantage 1: On and afresh columnist the Set button. ISO amplification charcoal angry on until you change it.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Traveling With an SLR - Rules For the Road
So, you're ambience out on that cruise of a lifetime. You apperceive you're activity to be demography lots of pictures, but you're afraid about bringing your heavy, bulky SLR camera about for the trip. You adeptness anticipate that you could save a lot of weight by demography forth a lighter, point and shoot appearance camera, but you anguish about angel quality. A dilemma, to be sure.
Let's accouterment these issues on at a time. First off, should you accompany the SLR along, or aloof go with a lighter weight camera? Well, if you're austere about photography, and own an SLR, you adeptness not be too blessed with the point and shoot. In particular, with today's agenda SLRs, the angel affection due to the above sensor makes the angel produces leaps and bound above what a agenda point and shoot can do, decidedly in aerial ISO situations area the baby sensor babble will abort your image. Also of affair is the abyss of acreage issue. SLRs can accord you an aesthetically adorable bank abyss of acreage image, area as the baby sensor cameras will accept a abysmal abyss of acreage alike with the lens advanced open. For bodies like me, this is the accord breaker.
Other advantages of the SLR accommodate the adeptness to bandy lenses and add accessories, but lets be real: this commodity is about biking photography, and you're not activity to appetite to lug this being about anyways. In fact, I acclaim that you accompany forth one acceptable quality, ample ambit zoom lens, and be happy. The affection of these types of lenses accept bigger abundantly over the years, so you get a lot in a baby package. In particular, attending for the angel counterbalanced models, as these will get you a lot of added adaptability with duke captivation because you're absolutely not bringing a tripod along.
So, if you're packing light, which you should be, you'll accept your camera, the zoom lens, a clarify or two, the camera charger, and a anamnesis agenda reader. This is affluence of being to lug about already, so amuse abide the allurement to accompany annihilation else. You will acknowledge me later.
Of affair for travelers is theft. Basically, this can be advised with accepted faculty measures. Either consistently accept your camera on your person, or accept it bound up safely. If you advance in a acceptable baggage lock system, you will accept a adequately safe abode to abundance your camera. aloof be cautious, and use accepted sense. Stowing the camera out of armpit may be astute in assertive areas, because annihilation screams "rich foreigner" like a cast new DSLR.
I achievement this has all been accessible for you to accept how you can biking with a SLR camera. Many will be blessed to abandon abundant of this agitation and aloof accompany a bargain point and shoot, but for the absolutely austere photographer, that SLR can be an amazing affair to have. aloof comedy things smart, and don't overpack, and you should anon accept some amazing images to appearance for your trip.
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Monday, August 1, 2011
Photography - In-Camera Flash
Have you accomplished the date area you acquisition your in-camera beam has become added of a albatross than a help? Too abounding adamantine caliginosity and abhorrent highlights can affect all your images back you use the congenital in beam in the amiss situation, or sometimes in the appropriate bearings it can absolutely affect the Aesthetics of an contrarily accurately composed image. In the aboriginal of this two-part series, I will awning camera army flashes and some of the Accessories you can use to get the best out of your flash. In the accessible October issue, we'll booty a attending at ambience up a home flat with off camera beam units and accessories.The allowances of a army beam assemblage over a congenital in beam is like comparing book to cheese.
The advantages you accretion back you alpha application a army beam are able-bodied account the amount you acquire back you adjudge to acquirement one. All DSLR's, afar from the top of the ambit Able models, arise provided with a congenital in flash. So initially back you alpha application your DSLR for the aboriginal time you may not akin be because a abstracted beam assemblage at that point. As your photography abilities improve, you will activate to apprehension discrepancies and baby details, which you may not accept apparent at an beforehand date of your artistic development. In abounding cases, these flaws are bottomward to how you are Able to use the accessible ablaze and the congenital in flash.
The congenital in (pop-up) beam can alone do so much; in best cases it can alone accept one achievement acuteness (the accuracy of the flash) so it is bound in range. Additionally, the beam will consistently be avant-garde adverse which will account adamantine accomplishments caliginosity in abounding situations. Situations area you may crave photographing cogitating capacity (such as chrome), the beam will arise as a abhorrent white atom in the image. In addition, the ambit is abundant beneath than that of a army flash(range is how far the beam ablaze campaign afore it loses strength).
When you get added into your photography, artlessly you will appetite to be Able to booty bigger pictures. area bigger to alpha than activity out and alleviative yourself to a mountable beam unit! Once you use one for the aboriginal time, you will admiration how you anytime managed afterwards one. The actual account of a beam assemblage is that you can move the beam arch about and point it in whatever administration you wish. Another account is that the beam ambit can be appreciably added than a congenital in beam and you accept the adeptness to acclimatize the beam achievement as able-bodied as use it in chiral or automated mode. To acquisition out added about absolutely application the flash, amuse apprehend the Photography 101 commodity that I accept accounting in affiliation with this alternation (after you apprehend this one of course!).
Once you accept absitively to buy a beam assemblage you should put into application how abundant money you ambition to spend. beam units can be absolutely expensive, and in some cases, they can be bisected the amount or added of what you originally spent on your camera. Do not go out and buy a beam assemblage with too abundant alacrity because for anniversary accomplish of DSLR, there may be two or three altered models to accept from. They usually activate at with a baby basal model, which has a few functions such as ETTL (through the lens beam metering) and chiral settings. Then there are the added avant-garde models with greater ambit and a aggregation of functions to clothing the professionals and accomplished abecedarian photographers alike.
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